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Urinary & Fecal Incontinence 

Urinary Incontinence 

There are different types of incontinence, the most common are

  • Stress Urinary Incontinence ( SUI), with a link to a history of pregnancy and  pelvic organ prolapse (POP)

  • Urgency Urinary Incontinence (UUI) can be associated with Overactive Bladder (OAB) causing symptoms of urinary urgency and frequency

  • Mixed Urinary Incontinence ( MUI) is a  combination of both stress and urgency

  • Continuous Incontinence from different types of genitourinary fistulas (examples vesicovaginal or vesicouterine fistulas),

  • Functional Incontinence ( FI )

  • Overflow Incontinence from voiding dysfunction or retention due to bladder atony or  polyuria/polydipsia

Fecal Incontinence 

can be loss of solid or liquid stool or gas related to pregnancy , anal sphincter or nerve injury, pelvic organ prolapse, rectovaginal fistula, or constipation with difficulty and incomplete emptying

Treatment options

Treatment Options Depend on the conditions

Diet and lifestyle modification, behavioral therapy, Pelvic floor muscle exercise, and physical therapy with biofeedback 

  • Devices like pessary, inserts, and plugs that help with stress incontinence, and FI

  • Medication that address OAB/ UUI, FI

  • Sacral and tibial neurostimulation to treat OAB, UUI and FI

  • Bulking agents that help control incontinence 

  • Surgery: midurethral slings for SUI, Repair of POP, repair of anal sphincter, and repair of fistula. Nowadays, surgery became outpatient minimally invasive where patients do go home the same day with a return to work from 1 week up to 4 weeks.  

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